Comic: the bad chemicals |
A fun, slightly twisted comic. Well worth a read. |
Comic: Penny And Aggie |
I pretty much second Desertopa. Usually, any story-driven comic without the word \"kaboom\" every two or three panels makes me feel faint, but this was so engrossing that it dragged me through the entire archives in a week. An excellent piece of work. |
Comic: Erfworld |
Excellent. Nice art, good humour and a story that stays interesting without taking itself too seriously. Definitely worth checking out. |
Comic: Dead Winter |
Nice. Zombie fun, but with strong characters, interesting story, and without overdoing the zombies. |
Comic: Least I Could Do |
@Stormblazer: You really read to need more than the first year- when Lar Desouza became the artist, the art improved immensely.
Anyway- nice, clean artwork, decent writing, overall, a very pretty good webcomic. Worth a read. |
Comic: Homestar Runner |
True, it's not a webcomic (but it is also awesome), but neither is Weebl & Bob, and it was the first thing ever added to this site (and is also awesome). The definition of "webcomic" can be a little flimsy at times.
Anyway, this is a huge fat pile of awesome, on the peak of which sits the majestic Trogdor, burninating the countryside.
I give this a rating of 5 burninated peasants! |
Comic: Personal Space |
Pretty cool. |
Comic: Action Figure Graveyard |
Insane and awesome. Create humour and cool art. |
Comic: CONvicts |
Much awesome. Awesome on astickk, even. Hurrah, and stuff. |
Comic: Level 99 |
Not exactly a fat sack of original, by any means, but the arts good and it manages to avoid making dumb or obvious jokes so it's good enough to compete in the hideously over-crowded gaming genre, even if it isn't the best one out there. |
Comic: Kreepy Kat |
Awesome on a stick. And creepy. Very creepy... |
Comic: Mission Deep |
This comic kicks ass. Read it! Read it I say! |
Comic: Order of the Stick, The |
This comic smells of awesome. It's pungent and mighty odor fills my nostrils with joy. |
Comic: A call to Destiny |
If you like disturbing cartoon orc porn, this is for you! Wait, what's that? You DON'T like disturbing cartoon orc porn? Well, you shouldn't read THIS, that's for sure...
Pretty poor, in basically every way. |
Comic: Bean Men, The |
Crazy, and sometimes a little confusing, but great none the less.
(God, that sounded so dorky... "none the less"? Man, I am a total weenie... Even more so, for saying "weenie"...)
Anyway, it's good. Read it. Thor commands it! |
Comic: FAIL! |
Aah! Don't eat me!
Funny and weird. Well worth reading. |
Comic: Monkey Business |
Pretty good, even if the early strips seem to contain someone lookign a lot like Gabe from PA... luckily, the charcaters look ver y individual now, with a cool style. Writings generally good, but sometimes the punchlines are a little off. |
Comic: A Girl Named Gary (Don't Ask) |
Weird, funny and pretty damn good. |
Comic: Hookie Dookie Panic! |
He he. Jesus Ninja. Brilliant.
Weird character design, good jokes, generally pretty cool. |
Comic: International Hope Foundation |
Interesting apporach rather than attempting a sort of direct "laugh out loud" humour like most, this seems a little more thought out, and in doing so makes itself seem more original, and more likely to stand out from the crowd. Which is cool. |
Comic: Glimmer |
What he said. |
Comic: Adventures of Blanc |
Pretty cool. The fact it's a WoW-based comic could limit it's audience, but most of the jokes easily understood by anyone who has a passing knowledge of RPGs, if not WoW itself. |
Comic: Lutraphobic |
Very strange and very cool. |
Comic: Niego |
Actually, this is better than I initially thought. Very better, if that makes any sense at all. |
Comic: Holy Bibble |
Brilliant, in every way. |
Comic: The Adventures of Dr McNinja |
This kicks ass. he's a doctor, who's a ninja! It's great, becasue it teaches kids that you can be a ninja, and a productive member of societey. Also, it has robots. |
Comic: Traitorfish |
Yeah, I know, that's why I basically abandoned it. |
Comic: toothpaste for dinner |
Kick ass! I had to go on an all-lard diet for a month just to get my ass fat enough to be sufficiently kicked! |
Comic: PVP Online |
You've got it all wrong- PA has some really clever writing, while this relies on obvious jokes way too much. I won't say it can't be good, but it often choses not to be.
Basically, PvP is so popular because people who don't really get the skill behind stuff like PA or VGCats can't tell the difference between them and this. |
Comic: Canadians In America |
A little CAD-clonish, but looks like it could have some potential. |
Comic: Doctor Faust |
Prett cool. Not the funniest thing around, but good for a few laughs. |
Comic: Baby Blues |
Not as good as the TV show, but OK. Probably makes more sense to parents than to teenage interenet nerds, but who do they think'll be reading the site? I guess since this was originally syndicated, and still is, it probably had a better chance of reaching it's target audience, which explains it running for so long. |
Comic: Sore Thumbs |
While I agree with Wodan's political plans, I have to disagree about this comic- the art's good, if a little cliched-manga-y, the humours good, and the characters are only mildly annoying (keep in mind that all comic characters are annoying to some degree, with the exception of Hobbes. Good old Hobbes!) |
Comic: Cow Punch |
Pleasantly insane. |
Comic: How Not to Run A Comic |
It's by about a million different people. Isn't that cheating, or something? |
Comic: P1-Z |
Nice work. Nice art, good humour, vomiting and guts spewing everywhere... what more good you want? |
Comic: Permanent Records |
Pretty decent. |
Comic: Dueling Analogs |
Not original, by any means, but it''s still got quality artwork and humour, plus a cool site design.
Sure, it's not original, but I'd rather have an unoriginal but good comic than an original but bad one. |
Comic: Outer Circle, The |
Kicks most mightly ass, says I to thee!
Nice artwork, funny jokes, fat weirdos... he he... fat weirdos are funny... and regular updates. Plus, they all have goatees. Except the girls. I think... |
Comic: Dilbert |
Hooray for Dilbert! Tis truly great! Plus, unlike the C&H site, this site isn't packed with adds. (Why most those idioits corrupt C&H with their damn pop-ups?)
Probably even funnier if you've ever worked in an office, or even worked at all. I haven't. |
Comic: Molapro Productions |
The ass has been most righteously kicked in the vicitiny of this illustrated periodical. |
Comic: Cyanide and Happiness |
Goddam smegging genius. Long live Explosm!
If you don't get it, then you're too dumb to be truly stupid! |
Hell mega kick ass funny. Or, as some would have it, 'very good'.
Only problem is the site design is a little clumsy in some strips, but the art and jokes kick-ass!
It's been accussed of 'geeky niche humour', but that reall just adds to the humour. It's nice to see a non-video gaming gaming strip. They seem to be pretty rare these days. |
Comic: Game Over |
There is already a comic called Game Over, you know. |
Comic: Better Days |
The early ones are good, but then it becomes preachy, emotional, dull and full of soppy crap. And an almost obsessive amount of sex. it just gets too weird. |
Comic: Niego |
OK. Not exceptional, but there's some decent jokes in there, and the artworks pretty good and consistent. |
Comic: Full Frontal Nerdity |
The sad thing is, that level of nerdity is something I actually aspire to...
Good comic. Much in the way of humourosityness. |
Comic: A Softer World |
Pretty pointless- tries to be meaningful, but is really mostly meaningless.
Some of it's OK, but it's not brilliant. |
Comic: Dictator, The |
Funny and well drawn. |
Comic: Two Lumps |
This guy definitely knows cats. |
Comic: Backstage |
Cool charicatures of the band-guys. The Marilyn Manson is particularly... shall we say, cute? |
Comic: Games Made Me! |
Cool. But you'll run out of Games eventually! Ha ha ha! Unless some sort of bizzarre force makes more... you win this time, Jeremy LIndstrom.
Nice comic. Much funnies. |
Comic: Multiplex |
Brilliant. Clever, well drawn and original. |
Comic: Men In Hats |
THis strip kicks ass in a most certain manner! |
Comic: Weebl and Bob |
Weebl is my God!
Actually, my God is a pantheon composing Lemmy, Weebl, Klovis the Redeemer, Fidel Castro, a bean I found under the couch, Hideo Kojima, the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster, and an enormous Penny which is the sun.
Still, Weebl kicks ass! |
Comic: Awesome Marcus Ninja |
Cleary a white-ninja rip off, but still a decent, if not particularly inspired, comic. |
Comic: Loserz |
Err... actually, it's pretty good. If there's any form of moderation here, please vaporise my initial comment. |
Comic: Loserz |
What the bloody hell? How did this mediocre creation throw PA out of the 2nd from top spot? What does 'Most Visted' mean? I suspect cheating!
Although, it's pretty good, if generic.
Comic: Apple Geeks |
Not as good as Machall, but still good. Like Machall, it's nice to see a non-game based comic that doesn't have to resort to total ludicracy. Or manga.
Of course, I like ludicracy. |
Comic: PVP Online |
I think I've figured out the problem with this- there's new comics about everyday, right? But only about 1 in 3 are any good. So, he should make less comics, so they'd be funnier overall. Like PA. Then he could do more colour. |
Comic: Alien Loves Predator |
Absolutley brilliant. Abraham and Preston are my heroes! |
Comic: Digital Purgatory |
Cool. It says I have to enter at least 10 characters, so I'll just do what I just did then. |
Comic: Weebls Stuff |
Well, Weebl is a god, but it's not exactly a comic, is it? It's animations. Oh well, it's still good. |
Comic: Bunny |
Aparet from being absolute bloody genius, the 1-frame format is a ncie break. Sometimes two idiots saying dumb junk and then something going 'Boom' can get a little dumb. I'm looking at you Penny Arcade!
Bunny = Brilliant |
Comic: Gamer Lamer |
Prett cool. 'The daystar'. He he... |
Comic: MegaTokyo |
Pretty good, but the comics about the short guy are usually pretty dull. 'Oh, I'm obsessing over schoolgirls!' Freak.
But the one's with Largo are cool. Rent-a-Zilla! Hurray! |
Comic: How Absurd |
Very much brilliantesters. Hurray for How Absurd! |
Comic: Dinosaur Comics |
Brilliant. It's amazing how he uses the same drawings day after day. Except that one with the parralel universe and moustaches. Go T-Rex! |
Comic: Manga Club |
Pretty nice drawings... Like an amateur MegaTokyo |
Comic: VG Cats |
Absolutely brilliant. Original style, too. |
Comic: Ctrl+Alt+Delete |
Undisputed King of Webcomics! |
Comic: Punks and Nerds |
S'good. Quite good. Hurray for Bruceman! |
Comic: Traitorfish |
I think this is the best site in the world! It's really great! |