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Gamer Lamer
Meet Ralf, Andrew, and Justin and have a look into the world of Gamer Lamer. A twisted world of games and anti-social behavior. One look and you too will say, "Yeah, they're going to hell." The road to hell is paved with a new comic every Monday
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ryclaude |
"how can something pretend to be funny?"
It can use the same rehashed bits of violence and bad language we've seen so many times in place of punchlines not just in webcomics, but in many popular television shows. It can do this because people like familiarity in what they watch. Friends lasted 10 seasons running a boring samey formula, people lapped it up. |
kefkafloyd |
>Gamer Lamer is funny. You guys need to worry about
>your own comics and stop looking like jealous jerks
>on other people’s comment area.
No jealousy going on here (in fact, I rank higher, as of this posting). I'm just calling it as I see it, I view comments as a place for reviewing honestly, not just for pimping favorite comics. |
kefkafloyd |
What is this, the "Ride on the coattails of the gamer community" amateur hour? I don't suppose I have any real qualms with the general artwork, but the lettering is atrocious. Please, Comic Sans sucks. No one should ever be sumbitted to it. The balloon and composition style borders on acceptable, but generally look dreadful. Better shapes, thicker strokes, and not breaking 3D planes would be a quick fix for it.
The artwork isn't bad, I suppose - I've seen a lot worse. It could use some improvements, though, like varying line thicknesses and a little anatomy tweaking.
The content is hit or miss. Most of the time misses, but there were a few good laughs. It's too bad that it's another gamer comic, though it's not as blatantly gamer like Press Start to Play. There's some non-gaming content here and there and they seem to do a decent job breaking it up. |
jackmcslay |
way too dirty to be even pleasing, and it fails where most gaming comics fail - the jokes only pretend to be funny |
Traitorfish |
Prett cool. 'The daystar'. He he... |
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