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User Profile For wallsofjerich0  
Comments Posted: 0
Favourites: 1
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Comic Synopses Posted: 3
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by wallsofjerich0 that are currently in use.

Comic: On Fire for Anxiety
Comic artist Becca TR explores her anxiety and tries to come terms with it\'s causes.
Comic: Proxy
I have been drawing for almost a week straight, it hasn\'t let me sleep.

The story poured out of me, all out of order, and I have tried to piece it together into a cohesive narrative as best I can.

All these memories are new to me, this is not how I remembered things, though no one seems to remember the original story.

Is it rewriting my own history?
Comic: The Twisted Tale of a Tortured Raven
The reapers, an organisation of undead contracted to harvest the souls of the living, recruit into their ranks the soul of a young woman.

With her memories wiped she takes on the visage of the raven, manifesting her reaper persona, but visions of her past haunt her, sending her on a devastating killing spree.

As she takes revenge on those who so brutally took her life.

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