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User Profile For sniper jedi  
If you are reading this, you could probably do with more interesting people to look at.
Comments Posted: 7
Favourites: 41
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Comic Synopses Posted: 1
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Below is a list of comments made by sniper jedi, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Seven Extraordinary Things 5/5
The art is great, the story pulls me in, I only wish it updated every day. I was hooked when I watched the trailer on the front page. Read it. 5/5
Comic: Outsider 5/5
Great Comic. But hasn't updated for several months.
Comic: Aoi House 5/5
Aoi House is the DEFINITION of gender tension. The poor guys have half a dozen girls giving them tons of attention, but very little intrest in DATEING them, which would be fustrating, to say the least.
Comic: Blood Bound 4/5
A wonderful example of 3-D art in comic form, without being totaly obvious.
Comic: Hiro 5/5
Mr. Violence,
Not every comic with ninjas is a ripp off of Naruto. The ONLY thing Hiro has in common with Naruto, is the fact that kids fight.
Comic: Transit 4/5
One of my favorite comics. The only draw-back is the wait for new pages, though, the art quality makes it worth the wait.
Comic: Whiteboard, The 5/5
Great mix of storyline, and one-page jokes. I've read every single strip, and eagerly await new ones every day.

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