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Confessions of an English Catburglar

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Genre: Manga
Date Added: 14 August 2006
Last Update: 12 May 2009
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Current Comic Ranking: 19319/26237
Views This Month: 5   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 29   (More...)
Favourite of: 2 members
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When Malloy Montague Montgomery, an incompetent social sciences student and heiress to the Montgomery family, is drugged, kidnapped and brought to her fourth five-yearly family reunion by her despairing parents, she decides that enough is enough. In a doomed attempt to exact vague revenge upon and force some respect out of her browbeating family, she only manages to accidentally earn the persistently clingy loyalty of her 12 year-old lunatic cousin Le Marquis de Boboise, and is forced to pursue a criminal career under the command of her arch-nemesis Sebastian MacFarlane, heir to the rival MacFarlane family. Malloy’s disorganized attempts to regain some control over her life cause her to reassess her motives. The Marquis is definitely on a quest for riches, fame and love, but Malloy’s aims, especially the object of her revenge, continue to elude her as she becomes increasingly entangled with her family and the odd rivalry that exists between Sebastian and herself. One thing is clear though, and it is in this shared knowledge that Sebastian and Malloy both take morbid comfort: Neither heir will emerge unscathed.

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