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Darkest Shadow, The

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Genre: Weird
Date Added: 17 January 2006
Last Update: 8 June 2007
Current Comic Ranking: 22561/26237
Views This Month: 3   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 28   (More...)
Favourite of: 0 members
Status: Normal (?)

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A story about an assassian named Ray, in the last job he ever took he killed a family of Shifters and found out (because the youngest, a boy who was too young to use Glamour, was seen by him) that the family he had been hired to kill was the family of his employer, he left the boy alive and in the care of an inkeeper, then he confronted the man who had sent him to kill the Shifters only to learn that it was all part of a conspiracy and that his employer was not who he had thought, he was really an evil man who's only agenda was to rule the world using his powers of shapeshifting, and that the only person who could stop him would be another Shifter, so he had hired Ray, because he was the only person living who could kill a magic being and not be affected by the Reaper who came for the souls of his magical victims. Ray was appalled by the man's lack of remorse for having his family killed, but he never in his wildest nightmares (and believe me, he had some really bad ones) expected someone to ask him to do what he was asked to do next...

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