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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 11 April 2013
Last Update: 11 April 2013
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 9790/26237
Views This Month: 5   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 44   (More...)
Favourite of: 2 members
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Imagine our world hundreds of thousands of years from now. Continental plates glide across the sea. Winds turn mountains into dust. Sevara was born in this time, when all memory of our civilization has been erased, and history begins again from the beginning.

When Sevara is resurrected by a group of powerful immortals, she becomes their leader on a thousand-year mission that returns earth to a state of peace. Their weapons: bio-harmonic blades that allow them to change into any animal form. With their goal accomplished, the warriors vow to become mortal again, erasing evil from the memories of humanity forever in a stasis called the Great Sleep. All of them keep their promise, all of them except one...

Sevara awakens from the Great Sleep with her powers intact, only to find that greed and hate have crept back into the world while she slept. A blood-thirsty emperor named Mitan has enslaved the surrounding villages with the help of a priest named Talos. Sevara, lost and alone, must recruit new followers and begin her quest all over again.

Sevara rescues a runaway slave named Alathea, who becomes her most trusted ally. Together, they must unlock the secrets of Mitan\'s power and transform earth back into the paradise it once was.

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