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Turtles: Dawn of the Ninja

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 15 March 2012
Last Update: 14 March 2012
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Current Comic Ranking: 9879/26237
Views This Month: 3   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 43   (More...)
Favourite of: 2 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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Following a series of shocking events occurring in Japan more than thirty years ago, two stories are set in motion that transcend the corners of the globe in search of definitive clarity to the ever so mystifying question: What is a NINJA? The first story follows young Oroku Saki (Shredder) throughout the beginning of his life as he battles with the haunting death of his father, Oroku Nagi, and the feelings of retribution that eventually warp his perception of honor. The second centers on the Ninja Turtles and April O’Neal as they attempt to unearth a disturbing mystery, the transformation of Baxter Stockman into a new and exceptionally dangerous mutant. At the same time, Raphael grapples with the significance of his existence and the duty of preserving the selfless legacy set forth by Master Splinter’s fallen owner, Hamato Yoshi. Both stories are told in juxtaposing narratives that focus highly on the human elements of vengeance and honor, while maintaining the charming fundamentals that have positioned the Ninja Turtles as true American icons. In the end, both tales finally converge, and from the resulting, climatic wake, a fierce and everlasting rivalry is born.

Current synopsis by: APOKOLYPES
Current image by: lukekeith

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