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Boobs and Dicks: The Comic

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Genre: Mature
Date Added: 23 September 2011
Last Update: 22 June 2012
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Current Comic Ranking: 4370/26237
Views This Month: 204   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 72   (More...)
Favourite of: 2 members
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

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Boobs and Dicks is a weekly webcomic dedicated to keeping you up-to-date on all the events taking place in the Boobs and Dicks universe. New reports are filed by MGS every Friday.

Current synopsis by: MGS
Current image by: MGS

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I am having a blast making all the Boobs and Dicks comics, though, at the same time, the trips to the Boobs and Dicks Universe has begun to take a severe toll on my psyche. I is as though I am being ripped into two people: some hippie leftist with propensity for complaining and inaction, and a complete dick.

Perhaps some day these two sides of my psyche will rectify themselves, making me whole again. But, alas, with the need to return to the Boobs and Dicks Universe still pressing so that I might better understand them, I do not foresee this rectification occurring any time soon.

I hope you are enjoying reading the comics. It makes it worth the loss of my soul!
I would love to hear any feedback you have to offer about this odd little piece of Americana I\'ve created. Let me know what you think.
In last week\'s episode, titled \"Deal with the Devil!\" a boob takes out a student loan.

This week, I observed a dick learning how to feel better about himself.

But, alas, I also think I spotted a dick in our world, Reality Prime. I\'m worried they\'re trying to kill me. Read all about it in the blog post \"Are They Already Living Among Us?\"

I hope you are all enjoying the comic. If you get a chance, let me know what you think.



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