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D&W Origins The Fallen : Episode 1

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Genre: Manga
Date Added: 1 January 2010
Last Update: 31 December 2009
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Current Comic Ranking: 21386/26237
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(Sorry for my english u____u\')

Dragon and Weed: Origins, is a series between the manga and comics all in videos and scans.
It takes place 8 years before the game Dragon and Weed: Black Ghost OPS (2.0 and earlier).
We will discover the beginnings of the duo Dragon and Weed, and the events that led to Black Ghost OPS and more.

Synopsis and important things (Season 1):

We are in 2053, then in a futuristic universe. The planet Earth is overcrowded, so some nations kill each other for a piece of land while other allied and work in space colonization. Thus were born the USE or UES (United States of Europe / United States of Europe) and UNCS (Union of Nations for Space colonization). Weed Dragon and two childhood friends are involved in the program Professional Assassins a special program of spiritual and military training for youth, from their 10 years. They leave the program early and engage in the joint army of USE.
It was on a mission for the USE that Amanda meets a teacher working for a secret organization, it will not delay to join ...

Vocabulary :
-OMS/OMSN : (Secret Military Organisations of Nations)
-Sychronisation, NOS & NO2S :

In Season 1, episode 5 the professor Amanda explain to D&W important information :
Amanda : Ah ... Weird ... Anyway the product I\'ve injected Dragon is a product that is synchronized with your psychic energy or mental if you prefer ...
As it was strong enough that you do not want to die with NOS * it permits the rapid regeneration of your wounds.

Dragon alalala ... Energy psycotruc its me recall the good old days hey hey ...
Weed: The effect is permanent?
Amanda: Not with the NOS. But my grandfather has established the following NO2S * that they are permanent and transferable to future generations. We reserve members of the OMS and UNCS *.
Weed: What are the news?
Amanda: The NO2S are synchronized with the psychic energy (called the Aura), and that the genetic code of one of 4 elements in a database pre-established and governed by rules.
Weed: I see ...

-Aura/ Eikitsu : Spirit energy
-Ichikai : First Level of synchronisation
-Nikai : Second Level of synchronisation
-Sankai : Third Level of Sychronisation

-Pyromancian : People synchronized with the Fire element in the Great Master Data-base
-Hydromancian : People synchronized with the Water element in the Great Master Data-base
- an Adagaia Son : People synchronized with the Earth element in the Great Master Data-base
-an Etheris Son : People synchronized with the Air element in the Great Master Data-base

-Dixisis Primeira : The Dixisis Primeira is an elite military, composed of 10 young soldiers (Superior Professional Assassins). Dragon and Weed were in the Dixisis.

Synopsis (Season 2):

We\'re still in 2053, two weeks after Outbreak, Dragon and Weed are now parties to the WHO.
Usually with their new and old allies in a mission of locating the terrorist called \"White Mask\".
Dragon, Weed and their allies will soon be facing new enemies: The Fallen.
A new unit of synchronized and former members of OMS.
Our duo will also eliminate the band \"The Fallen\", to discover the plans of the White Mask.

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