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Sea of Insanity

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Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: Before Time Began
Last Update: 7 February 2011
Current Comic Ranking: 3409/26237
Views This Month: 58   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 83   (More...)
Favourite of: 15 members
Status: Normal (?)

People who like this comic also like: EndStone, Saturnalia
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Once, the gods of the Greeks were feared and respected. Once, they held the power to topple empires and shape the hearts of men. Once, merely looking upon the true face of a god could reduce a mortal to a cinder.
Those days are past.

Belief in the mythology of old has waned, and the pantheons have scattered and broken. The immortals that remain have adapted, attempting to assimilate themselves into modern society. Though they are in decline, they remain gods. They live and love and play their games, and none are the wiser. After all, what has a god to fear?

This is the story of a nymph, her roommates, the god who courts her, and a progressively more bizarre supporting cast. It is a tale of life, love, and fate at its worst. And, most of all, it is an online testimony to how the creative process can make really bizarre ideas seem like a good thing, providing the creator hasn't had enough sleep and may, in fact, get through an entire script before realizing they have a word processor open.

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