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Flexopolis is a surreal sci-fi/fantasy Webcomic created with stock photos, clip art and digital drawing.
Part 1: The Magic of Dr. Viridian (Nos. 1-25)
A surreal world slowly takes shape, featuring causeless hilarity, unexpected flight, lightning reversals, glitches in communication and complex transformations. Who is the mysterious Dr. Viridian, and where has he gone?
Part 2: The Talking Toys (Nos. 26-50)
Playful and serious by turns, the talking toys include French dolls, German nutcrackers and a highly philosophical set of alphabet blocks.
Part 3: Level 67 (Nos. 51-75)
Sixpod broadcasts news of his world, Level 67, from Catbot\'s internal TV, to a single viewer, Sinjoro Bla, who speaks Esperanto. Is Professor Veritas telling the truth?
Part 4: The Rojo Equation (Nos. 76-100)
The world\'s cats orchestrate the necessary trance state for a shift in physics and metaphysics, as Drs. Rojo and Nero direct the studies of Consuela Condor. Is Voluminex the culmination?
Part 5: Voluminex Manifest (Nos. 101-125)
Core recursion becomes a major threat to the world\'s population as Voluminex gains power. Some worship him (Her? It? Them?) as a god, some flee the hypnotic phenomena.
Part 6: Soleil and the Sky Palace (Nos. 126-150)
A little girl views a set of hypnotic cartoons (the televisation of Voluminextasy?) and is suddenly able to fly to a palace in the sky where a peacock king holds sway, and a Victorian garden exerts a highly decorative control.
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