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Smacked in the Head

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 3 March 2009
Last Update: 2 March 2009
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 26118/26237
Views This Month: 2   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 28   (More...)
Favourite of: 1 members
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The Somarian Military Conscription Act has gone into effect and the sons of the colony world are unjustifiably forced into a war that they have nothing to do with. Having lost two of his brothers to the draft already, Krumm’s parents take steps to smuggle their youngest son off-world aboard the freighter of an old friend with specific instructions not to return until called for. Three years later, no word has come and Krumm has grown impatient. “Borrowing” a ship, he returns home to find a world very different from the one he left behind. The city and towns of his childhood are ruins crushed beneath the foundations of huge alien structures, as fat guns squat in the forest shooting anything and everything out of the air. He begins the desperate search for his missing parents while uncovering clues as to what has happened on his home world. The answers he discovers will send him hurtling across the galaxy risking life and limb on adventures he never could have imagined.

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