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Steel Fang
Steelfang- Known for his charm and quick wit, Steel Fang is usually the center of attention. He is clever and playful and enjoys nothing more than a good practicle joke. He spends most of his free time playing video games or watching cartoons, but can constantly be found hanging with his friends.
Draco-A real class act, he loves causing mischief and messing with his friend's minds. Yet when the time comes, he quickly gets down to business. An excellent gamer, he constantly challenges Steel Fang to prove his superiority. But when it comes to friends, there is no question as to their importance.
Oz-An avid fan of OU, Oz hopes to one day attend, despite being born and raised in Texas. He is the techie of the group and is constantly found creating computer pictures and editing videos. However, he always finds time to relax and have fun with the guys.
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