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The year is 2022. The ice caps are long gone. The world is a watery grave for most coastal and low-lying cities, and the land left has been decimated by Warfare and stripped bare by the remnants of humanity. This was caused by a cataclysm in the year 2012, (called the “Event” by survivors), predicted by the Aztecs centuries earlier. The temperature of the planet is an average of +35 degrees Celsius, and the oxygen level in the air has been reduced drastically, with kelp and ocean-based plant life maintaining a barely breathable atmosphere. Over time, the survivors of mankind have fled to the only cool areas left on earth, and many have migrated beneath her oceans. Entire cities have been relocated to undersea environments, in order to escape the wrath of the sun and the creeping of the seas. Most of the struggling submerged communities have died. Survivor scientists tried in vain to replace the icecaps and to make their watery cities work, only to learn that man needs air and light. After eons of evolution moving away from the water, mankind is being forced back into her depths.
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