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Chastity Towers
Chastity Towers is the story of an all-girls finishing school in Edwardian England, where the girls learn far more each night than they ever do in their daily classes.
The most prominent students are Mina Roxbottom, the lusty and spirited firebrand who causes most of the trouble. Mina has an insatiable appetite for trouble, both in the bedroom and out. She's constantly testing the limits of the rules at Chastity Towers, and frequently finds herself in trouble as a result. She is best friends and lovers with Fleurette, and a ringleader to the whole group, with the exception of Head Girl Abigail Shaftsbury, who craves the Headmistress's approval more than anything, and will go to any length to get it.
Fleurette de la Paniere, the naive and innocent French student, often finds herself being punished for aiding Mina in her transgressions--she's a willful partner, though, and she would do anything for her dear love Mina. Fleurette is innocent in the ways of the world, but experienced and inventive when it comes to the bedroom.
Headmistress Doctor Cain runs Chastity Towers with an iron fist, delivering stinging punishments for the slightest infraction in her well-stocked "Disciplinarium" underneath the school. Most of the students do their best to avoid Doctor Cain's attentions, but it must be said there are some students who relish the time alone with the Headmistress. Doctor Cain carries on an illicit affair with French instructor Mademoiselle Millefeuille, which is a well-known secret amongst the schoolgirls.
The first Chastity Towers story, "The Appearance of Respectability", begins when a potential new student, Emily Branthleyshaw, is introduced to the girls and given a tour of the school. Doctor Cain does her best to impress on Emily's mother the importance of discipline at Chastity Towers, while Mina, Fleurette and the girls take Emily on an extended trip through the heart of depravity and lust.
"The Appearance of Respectability" begins on Adultwebcomics.com tomorrow, Wednesday, September 12, and continues in weekly installments every following Wednesday. Chastity Towers features explicit sex and adult content.
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