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Dimensions At War

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Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 9 July 2006
Last Update: 10 August 2006
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 18801/26237
Views This Month: 9   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 29   (More...)
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Far away in another alternate universe there is a planet just like ours named Dyuti.
Different layers of their world, known as dimensions, house the many lifeforms that exist within its bounds.
A long time ago there were 3 main dimensions, one for the living and two for the dead.
There were also many smaller uninhabited and unnamed dimensions.
But then the fighting started.
There were those who believed that the Guardians, the creators of their utopia, should be sent away forever from Dyuti and the teachings abandoned.
And there were the rest, that remained loyal to the Guardians and their teachings.
For their treason, those who opposed the Guardians were banished for threatening the very life of the planet.
So two sides formed.
The "Light", those who sided with the Guardians and their allies, and opposed to the fighting.
They kept control over the 3 main dimensions.
The "Dark", those who wanted to overthrow the Guardians and their allies, and make all the dimensions theirs.
They took control over over the rest.
Thus began the 3 wars between Light and Dark.
And the story of those who fought to protect their planet.

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