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Genre: Weird
Date Added: 8 March 2005
Last Update: 7 March 2005
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 13894/26237
Views This Month: 40   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 33   (More...)
Favourite of: 16 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

People who like this comic also like: Gods of ArrKelaan, The, The Meek, Paranatural, Scandinavia and the World, Demonology 101
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I would argue that this comic is philosophical and contains a shred of spirituality. Certainly not a religious spirituality, mind you, as I am ever so relieved to say…

Tourniquet presents a novel theoretical world with multiple plains of demons and humans, the former of which without freewill. The main character, Demeter is one such demon, a goat demon, who has apparently been jettisoned from his plain for one reason or another. Therefore he is left on earth, in a body resembling a human, and a human’s freewill which he has no use for.

As a demon, he was given orders from wherever and never wondered about what would occupy his future. Everything was lain out. Now that he has it, he is practically homesick for his enslavement.

On earth, Interpol caught wind of him, handed him a sort of “identity”: a name, etcetera. Now with someone to take orders from, Demeter is living… comfortably, at the very least.

He has a sort of telepathy. He can sense present and past emotions, strong ones, can talk mind to mind with other telepaths and occasionally has visions. He uses his sensitivities to sense how murders happened and the agony and last emotions of the victim, and thus is a homicide detective for Interpol.

This is where YOU begin the story…

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