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Juju's Diary

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Genre: Quirky
Date Added: 4 December 2013
Last Update: 3 December 2013
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 12679/26237
Views This Month: 4   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 36   (More...)
Favourite of: 0 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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A few nights away from Halloween tucked away in a small Brooklyn neighborhood, a nervously shy and self-conscious 14 year-old Junette L’Orange – who those close to her dearingly call JuJu – is realizing the weight of her insurmountably boring life and decides that the answer to breaking the chain of her daily routine is to adopt a cat.

A kitty cat, she decides, is the key to escaping her claustrophobic little bird cage of a teenage life she has progressively become more aware of with each passing October day. As she sets out on a mission to find her cat and by extension, her destiny – she comes across plenty who discourage, others who support, and many that inspire her to continue her search for the meaning of life and love.

Ms. Lorita Violet ­– a reclusive yet curiously fashionable old lady who lives 5 doors down from the L’Oranges – takes interest in JuJu’s little adventure and after quickly deciding that their meeting is no coincidence, agrees to introduce her to just the cat, who happens to need a home for the next 3 months.

Follow JuJu’s journey as her newfound friendship opens up a whole new world where reality and fantasy swirl to reveal hidden facets of life previously gone unnoticed, and unexpected surprises await each corner.

Current image by: kamicrafted

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