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The Curious Destiny of E

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Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 22 November 2009
Last Update: 21 November 2009
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 16467/26237
Views This Month: 3   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 30   (More...)
Favourite of: 1 members
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The worlds, made of the basic elements of existence. Fire, terrain, water, air, light, darkness, order, chaos, and balance. With these the gods created worlds and life. Consciousness was curious, inquisitive, and playful in its youth. Beings discovered magic, a force that could be manipulated to do extraordinary things. Consciousness being young as it was, knew so little about the value of life. It saddened the gods. Deciding that consciousness wasn’t ready for such a thing as magic, the gods hid it.
Life continued.
Consciousness feeling that it had been robbed by the gods, decided it would create its own magic. Thus music was created, followed by writing, architecture, alchemy, and then machinery. Consciousness was finally content with its new magic. And the gods were forgotten.
Gods were unhappy.
Being forgotten isn’t something anyone wants. The gods sent two children to a world steeped in what they called “New Magic.” The girl knew Chaos, a form of magic that made her beautiful and cunning. Even as a child people knew she would be famous. The boy was linked to Balance, making him wise, but setting him apart from others and causing him to appear strange.
This is the beginning.

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