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Octane Jungle

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 18 August 2009
Last Update: 18 August 2009
Current Comic Ranking: 20545/26237
Views This Month: 3   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 28   (More...)
Favourite of: 0 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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In an all-too-plausible dystopian future, the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-killing corporate monolith - The Motherbrain - has virtually dismantled the free market with it\'s monopolistic vice grip on all viable goods and services. The incorrigible crew of Doc\'s Pie Hole put their necks on the line night after night in the pursuit of preserving legitimate, free enterprise.
A surly band of outlaws, miscreants and reprobates they may be, but Doc\'s crew gets the job done every time. They take pride in keeping the contraband economy rolling and remain unflappable in the face of gang warfare, police brutality and the countless other imperilments lurking in the city\'s seedy underbelly. Mind-blowing danger, reckless speed and seemingly insurmountable jeopardy are all in a days work for these, our tenacious protagonists. But the sudden emergence of an enigmatic villain is about to propel the denizens of the Pie Hole into a maelstrom of violence and duplicity, which even they might not be able to shoot their way out of.
Blood will be shed! Cars will be crashed! Sh*t will get blown up! Limbs will be liberated from bodies! Secrets will be revealed! It\'s all part for the course in the Octane Jungle!

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