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The Talented

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 11 June 2009
Last Update: 11 June 2009
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 17401/26237
Views This Month: 3   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 30   (More...)
Favourite of: 0 members
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The world was once made up of tribes, each tribe composed of its leader, hunters, gatherers, artists, doctors and storytellers. And then something happened, the world opened up to possibility and chaos took place. These roles were displaced within the complex fabric of modern society.

Professor Patrick O\'Conner worked extensively on the results of complicating these roles, or Talents as he refers to them. But finding little support in the academic community he turned to a man named Sage who claimed to have the answers to all of Patrick\'s questions.

But Sage had more than answers. Sage had an image of society, with each Talent in perfect balance. The only problem is that in order to achieve this utopian existence, the world as we know it must be destroyed in order for Sage to build it back up.

Sage looked to those who carried the Talents for hunting, killing, torturing and destroying. He looked to the old warriors, those who only understand demolition. And just as soon as Patrick had brought Sage out of his asylum, Sage took control of Patrick\'s group by manipulating each member according to their personal goals and liabilities.

Now Sage has an army of weapons, naturally honed monsters that he plans on unleashing upon the world in order to fit it into his scheme of perfection.

But there is one factor that Sage did not plan in his vision of the world. A young, very unpredictable man by the name of Conner who could either stand as a tool for Sage or Patrick\'s last chance at stopping Sage. Can Conner stop a man who knows everything?

Welcome to the complicated world of Talents.

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