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Ominous Knife

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Genre: Geeky
Date Added: 15 October 2008
Last Update: 21 July 2009
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 26375/26237
Views This Month: 4   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 28   (More...)
Favourite of: 0 members
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From the "About" section:

"What is Ominous Knife?

That’s a difficult question to answer. Like a painting or a piece of music, Ominous Knife is different things to different people. It could be the absurdity of the Human Condition, if one were pretentious enough to use the term “Human Condition” in everyday speech. It could be the ravings of a couple of madmen, or it could be the last sane thing on the planet.

As a whole, Ominous Knife could probably best be described as the collaborative fantasy of a group of people who don’t fully grasp the meaning of “reality”. It’s a world in which anything is possible — unless of course it isn’t. Ominous Knife is the tool which cuts the razor-thin line between “excuse” and “reason”.

In other words, Ominous Knife is the place in which “Just ’cause” is a perfectly valid rationale for doing…well, anything. So pull up a chair, get comfy, and watch as these guys do the impossible, implausible and insane, just because they can."

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