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Genre: Weird
Date Added: 7 August 2008
Last Update: 7 August 2008
Current Comic Ranking: 15449/26237
Views This Month: 3   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 31   (More...)
Favourite of: 0 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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Something odd is happening in Steadweather. People in the tiny town are coming down with a strange rust like rash, a compulsion that they can't quite understand.

Until the change.

They begin to rip, to tear, to cut, and become one with the junk in their life. Children fuse with their video games, gear heads with their cars. They become something new, new flesh, blissfully happy and ready to spread their joy.

In a single night, nearly the whole town is changed. A few people manage to survive the initial purge, a few people lucky enough or smart enough to get away. They quickly find that the town has been sealed off by the Junkers, the survivors' former friends and family.

The survivors discover that something lives in the junkyard, a new kind of life, the Junkyard God. Spawned from environmental catastrophe and human waste, it intends to fix the human race.

As the survivors slowly begin to change, they come up with a desperate plan to destroy the Junkyard and save themselves, and maybe save the world.

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