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Plush and Blood

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 9 February 2007
Last Update: 1 January 2015
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Current Comic Ranking: 310/26237
Views This Month: 1534   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 261   (More...)
Favourite of: 79 members
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Plush and Blood is a story that revolves around the struggles of stuffed animals as their world collapses under the weight of ideology. The first story "The Unstuffed" was completed in 2010. It tells the story of a totalitarian ruler and the last of the Unstuffed. The Second story "Memory's Threads" is currently running. Memory's Threads takes place 10 years after the events of The Unstuffed and follows Katt as she tries to find answers.

Current synopsis by: TiredOrangeCat
Current image by: TiredOrangeCat

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VioletFox 5/5
Tired Orange Cat, aka Correy Messer, takes to storylines like a snowball takes to a mountainside. In his first series, The Unstuffed, a simple, seemingly predictable story gradually escalated until it climaxed as a hard-hitting, fast-paced, unstoppable masterpiece that left his audience not lost but gaping for words! Through subtle dialogue and an expressive art style, TOC weaves a vivid cast of characters into a mysterious yet profound setting. All the while, clues are left on the tumultuous past of the Plush and Blood world, allowing the readers to try and piece the puzzle together themselves. The Unstuffed takes on a whole new light the deeper you read into it and the bonus comics, so rereading reveals new insights and offers just as much enjoyment.
Now Plush and Blood continues with its second series: Memory’s Threads. Not even 200 pages in and TOC is laying out bread crumbs for his readers to gobble up. Focused on the ambiguous KATT from The Unstuffed, a world of unanswered questions and dark secrets awaits. Will you find all the puzzle pieces in play? For any avid lovers of stories, new worlds, mysteries, characters, and suspense, I highly recommend reading the Plush and Blood series. Whether you start reading Memory’s Threads or go back to the very beginning of The Unstuffed, you are guaranteed one heck of a ride.
~ Violet Fox
Vettyfunny 5/5
Excellent job, the story is VERY well written, the art and characters are very good, and its even funny at times. Certainly worth reading for ages 14+(Strong violence, language, mild sexual content).

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