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Order of the Stick, The

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Genre: Geeky
Date Added: Before Time Began
Last Update: 9 January 2012
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 110/26237
Views This Month: 10918   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 1143   (More...)
Favourite of: 386 members
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

People who like this comic also like: A Softer World, LinT, League Of Super Redundant Heroes, True Magic, Perry Bible Fellowship
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Comic based around a questing Dungeons and Dragons party. Plenty of geeky references to D&D, and silly jokes.

Current synopsis by: ChowRiit

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Entropy 4/5
If you have ever roleplayed (especially D&D 3rd Ed) this comic is a laugh riot through the early years of the strip. Eventually however, he clearly runs out of those sorts of gags and gets involved telling his plot. These portions are much less funny, though they have moments. Also, the \'latest\' link that this site uses is broken or something and loads about 1 out of 100 times. Go to instead. It\'s an extra click (sidebar under comics), but it will load ALOT faster.
Guillaume 5/5
OOTS is brilliant! The fact that they are stick figures is pretty cool. I think that it is something that just gives a lot of charm, and makes it better.
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
Amazing! Simply amazing! How this story can be so enterning, funny, and epic in its stick figure form just blows me away. Never did I ever think that I would get excited to see a new comic on my favorites list based on stick figures. A definate must read. It's right up there with 8-Bit Theater and CAD.
Traitorfish 5/5
This comic smells of awesome. It's pungent and mighty odor fills my nostrils with joy.
Jehackmaster 5/5
I'm hooked! By golly, these things really give you something to look forward too... Give us more! More like this!!!
smileyfaceman 4/5
Don't let the artwork fool you, this is a surprisingly funny comic.
ProfParadox 4/5
This was very good, I enjoyed it.

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