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Charby the Vampirate
The lovely waterscape and city of Kellwood attracts more than tourists...the sprawling woods nearby are teeming with demon activity, and nestled right in between is the small cabin where Charby and his friends live. Charby is no ordinary vampire, and as he is slowly discovering his powers, something shifty is going on in them thar woods... what will be his part in it all?
A comic with a little bit of everything except explitives and nudity! The excessive violence will probably more than make up for that.
Putting the "laughter" in "slaughter!"
Current synopsis by: Amelius Current image by: Amelius
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Randomperson |
Oops double post... Sorry :( |
Randomperson |
There is so much I could say about this comic but there is probably not enough room for all of it! The art is amazing, the story is unique and interesting, the characters are very well developed, and this comic is very funny. This comic almost always makes me laugh. If you read this comic without cracking at least one smile then you have serious mental problems. ^_^ jk But seriously this has to be by far my favorite webcomic. |
Randomperson |
There is so much I could say about this comic but there is probably not enough room for all of it! The art is amazing, the story is unique and interesting, the characters are very well developed, and this comic is very funny. This comic almost always makes me laugh. If you read this comic without cracking at least one smile then you have serious mental problems. ^_^ jk But seriously this has to be by far my favorite webcomic. |
Amelius |
The old horrible archives are going up very soon, they haven't gone anywhere (sadly!) |
snoosnoo |
This is just plain great. And it updates every day! Way to go Amy!
Funny, kawaii, grusome and much more! |
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