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Genre: Quirky
Date Added: 22 November 2004
Last Update: 25 December 2020
Current Comic Ranking: 5311/26237
Views This Month: 403   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 65   (More...)
Favourite of: 78 members
Status: Could Not Connect to Site (?)

People who like this comic also like: Untitled, Penny Arcade, Freefall, Something Positive, Zap!
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Bunny is just one of the cutiest, funniest creatures on the planet, but bunny isn't your average rabbit. He goes places, plays poker with the aliens on Saturday night, plays with someone elses imaginary friend and goes to the moon. Bunny loves all the people. He hopes of being a collector's edition on a 2 disk DVD someday. Bunny must me one happy freakin bunny. I just hope "Happy Bunny" doesn't get jealous of Bunny. This comic is cute. You should read it.

In Loving Memory of Bridgett the bunny
March 17 2000- July 19 2005

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smileyfaceman 4/5
I don't know why I read it. It's rarely funny. But still I click on that link every damn time.
Traitorfish 5/5
Aparet from being absolute bloody genius, the 1-frame format is a ncie break. Sometimes two idiots saying dumb junk and then something going 'Boom' can get a little dumb. I'm looking at you Penny Arcade!
Bunny = Brilliant
"The bunny smiled.." Or something. This comic is awesome, and Lem is cool too! Bunny stickers guard my iBook that i take pride in. SNPB all the way! o.O

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